Out Reach

Our outreach focus will be to provide up-to-date lists of needed items, receive, sort, and deliver donations to counties in need. We want to support a community-to-community connection with places continuing to struggle with this disaster in a way that provides as much autonomy and agency through recovery as possible.

Donation Delivery Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to deliver much-needed donations to individuals and families affected by Hurricane Helene. Your help is crucial in providing assistance during this challenging time. Please complete the following form to help us understand your availability and ensure a safe and efficient volunteer experience.

Haven @ the Hub


Appalachian Arts Hub will open its doors to artists and artisans affected by Hurricane Helene seeking resources and/or workspace to continue their craft. As we develop the Hub, our offerings for use of materials and tools will expand. Further, we want to offer a community pantry and supply for free use and access.